Prophetic Living Insights: The Tool of Trust

Prophetic Living Insights: The Tool of Trust

Prophetic Insights for the Day - Those who trust in the Lord will receive help:


2024 Prophecy Overview - Events That Will Shape 2024

2024 Prophecy Overview - Events That Will Shape 2024

2024, is spiritually named the Year of the Double Swords. It is a year to be vigilant and to be alert. A year to observe, and a. year that the clueless will be sold. It is also a year to get wisdom, at all costs. Here are the top insights for 2024


2024 Prophecies: The Year of the Double Swords

2024 Prophecies: The Year of the Double Swords

A continuation of the prophetic events to unfold in these timelines. The Double Swords outlines the events to unfold in 2024 and captures a prophetic downpour from Jesus Christ Himself given to His Apostle, Ebenezer Gabriels, the Apostle of Worship, and the anointed and Teacher of nations, Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels to teach the nations. The Spiritual Year of the Double Swords is described as a year colored in blood, a year of confrontations, and a year where wickedness becomes more blatant. The Double Swords document prayer strategies to build a prayer altar.


Prophetic Living:  The Truth of the Word is Dependent on God

Prophetic Living: The Truth of the Word is Dependent on God

It is not a day to raise an idol on the altar of criticism. The Word of God must be delivered as it was given, and should not be adjusted to suit the preferences of the critics


Prophetic Living: Colorful Flourishing

Prophetic Living: Colorful Flourishing

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. - Philippians 4:8-9


The fire of the Lord silences the sound of oppression

The fire of the Lord silences the sound of oppression

Oppressive sounds will no longer enslave God's worshippers. Worshippers will only tremble at the sound of the voice of the Lord.


AUDIO: Immigrants in America February 2020 Prophecy

AUDIO: Immigrants in America February 2020 Prophecy

God's message to immigrants in Africa dated February 2020 - God sends a m message to immigrants in America, calling them to bless the land, and not fleece the land that has blessed them, to fight for America in intercession, and not to make America the place they have come to fleece and use the land thinking of dumping the land. Listen and read


VIDEO PROPHECY: The Future of Africa's Data and Knowledgebase and the Coming  Blackout

VIDEO PROPHECY: The Future of Africa's Data and Knowledgebase and the Coming Blackout

Many African countries are held ransom by corrupt leaders, this is no news. God's interest in nations has not dwindled, He is the King of nations. In this episode of the Scroll and The Seal, we share prophetic insights to the nations


Riding on High Tides: Why Do Prayers Get Unanswered?

Riding on High Tides: Why Do Prayers Get Unanswered?

Riding on the High Tides - Prophetic Teaching and Biblical Studies of the Month. This month’s Prophetic Teaching and Biblical Study is prophesied into our timeline and titled RIDING ON THE HIGH TIDE where we learn about navigating complex life's issues with worship-filled effectual prayers.


Prophetic Insights - December 2023

Prophetic Insights - December 2023

This is a month where the Lord is picking up people, one by one, and putting them where they belong


Prophetic Insights: Connection for the Unconnected

Prophetic Insights: Connection for the Unconnected

Prophetic Insights are God's agenda for each day as we read in Psalm 19. Today, God's bringing connection to the unconnected.


Worship and Prophecy

Worship and Prophecy

Worship music and the prophetic has always gone hand in hand. There is no prophetic without a heart of worship, and there is no worshiper without revelation. Revelation comes to the heart of the worshiper, as the mind of the worshiper syncs to the heart of Yahweh.


Worship and Purpose

Worship and Purpose

Worship music and the prophetic has always gone hand in hand. There is no prophetic without a heart of worship, and there is no worshiper without revelation. Revelation comes to the heart of the worshiper, as the mind of the worshiper syncs to the heart of Yahweh.


Worship and Music

Worship and Music

There are many activities that can lead to worship, however, there is a special place for music in worship. Music is able to cut across the spirit, body, and soul of a worshiper at the same time and bring us into God’s presence faster.


The Russia Prophecy: The light that engulfs other lights

The Russia Prophecy: The light that engulfs other lights

Walking in our giftings is a form of worship. Using diligently the gifts that have been placed in our lives delights the Lord and it comes up to Him as pleasure. In our mortal states as men, which of us creates something beautiful and would not be filled with joy when our creations work just fine? Every one of God’s creations, the sun, the moon, and the stars in fulfilling their assignments worship the Lord. Let’s learn how.


Dreams and Divine Interpretations : Getting Better at  How to Translate Your  Dreams

Dreams and Divine Interpretations : Getting Better at How to Translate Your Dreams

A better approach more profitable to your soul is learning how to translate your dream based on biblical frameworks.


Prophecy and Substance Abuse

Prophecy and Substance Abuse

Maximum deliverance is obtained through the weapons of worship and praise. Any worshiper who goes into God's Presence through unadulterated worship will obtain deliverance


How Do I Re-Activate My Prophetic Calling?

How Do I Re-Activate My Prophetic Calling?

Activating your prophetic senses for the times ahead: God does not intend for rising prophets to mimic prophetic gifts or makeup erroneous prophecies, but that everyone will discover and nurture their prophetic tendencies.


The Collective Power of the Men At the City Gates

The Collective Power of the Men At the City Gates

The Collective Power of the Men At the City Gates


Destiny of Men: Take Full Hold of Your Destiny as a Man, by the Power and Knowledge of God

Destiny of Men: Take Full Hold of Your Destiny as a Man, by the Power and Knowledge of God

Take full hold of your destiny in a tainted world, by the power of God's knowledge, in God's design for you as a man
