Men's Destiny: Oil of Friendship


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team


The Oil of Friendship with God and Gift of Counsel

Friendship with the Lord is one of the signs you see when you encounter men fulfilling their destinies.  Also, you'll find the gift of deep counsel in their lives.  Job gives us insights into this topic, as He shared experiences during his seasons of triumph about his friendship with the Lord. Every man seeking destiny fulfillment should be aware that friendship with God is obtained through the seemingly little things, such as instructing your household right and trusting in God.  Let every man who desires to be a friend of God go back to know the Lord and then instruct their household in the ways of the Lord. Hardly will you find God establishing His covenant of friendship with a man who has not instructed His household. 

The Oil of Friendship with God & the Gift of Counsel for Men



