Riding on High Tides: Why Do Prayers Get Unanswered?


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

Why do prayers go unanswered? Why do people pray for years, toil in prayers, and reap no rewards from prayers? Does God answer prayers?

This month’s Prophetic Teaching and Biblical Study is prophesied into our timeline and titled RIDING ON THE HIGH TIDE  where we learn about navigating complex life's issues with worship-filled effectual prayers. The first phase of the study brings us to the realization that we all would have to ride on high tides, and our survival will depend on the singular act of Worship. When our prayers are laid before God from a worship-filled heart, responses will come.

This month we look at worship-filled prayers and learn to depart from the ways of toiling in unfruitful prayer exercises without a basis in worship, which leads to barrens.

Jesus went about worship, which is His assignment on earth. While faced with the threats of evil, He retreated to a quiet place to pray, for the refilling of power - which is - ability, efficiency, and might in His journey. 


Bring Your Strongest Reason - Worship, to God's Presence 

After cycles of sin, God gives up on Israel and refuses to deliver them. They forsook idols and with their actions, they brought a strong reason for worship, serving the Lord. God's soul could no longer behold their sufferings, and He delivered them.  When prayers seem hard, approach from a worship standpoint. Worship the Lord through your actions, and watch God's response.

Prayer is beautiful, prayer is amazing, prayer is, but prayer without worship is desolation. David related to God in worship, and His prayer received special attention. In Psalm 141:1-2, David passionately calls upon the Lord, urging His swift answer: "I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me; hear me when I call to you. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrifice." 

Key Takeaways: Embrace the Prayer of the Worshipper 

A worshipper's prayer is a prayer from a heart after worship. A worshipper presents the need for worship as the utmost reason why deliverance is needed. When you pray, base your prayers on worship. Start by engaging in worship before initiating a conversation through prayer, as your act of prayer is an extension of your worship of God. Engaging in prayer without worship lifestyle to a journey of spiritual drought.

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