Destiny of Men: Take Full Hold of Your Destiny as a Man, by the Power and Knowledge of God


By Prophecy Team

There are MEN, and there are men. MEN live in the fullness of their glories. men are swallowed and live out of the shadows. God's design is that MEN fully live out and express all God has hidden in them. In a tainted world, it's getting too near-impossible for men to walk in the fullness of God's calling for their lives.

How do we take full hold of our destiny in a tainted world?  An altar has been set up for the Lord, and we'll meet in an encounter with the Lord. During this encounter, God will unmute our souls and minds, awaken sleeping glories, advance stagnant destinies, and refresh the souls of men. 

During this encounter, men will walk with God in prayers, and partake in the knowledge of God for Insights for men and uncommon wisdom from God's Presence to bring God's anointing of ease to your journey as a man so that you could go out into the world to effect God's mandate for you. Your mind will be open, and you will receive the power of God to fulfill all that has been deposited in your mind

Who Should Attend?

This is a men's only event. All men at all leadership levels are encouraged to attend. 

Which of the Events Should I Attend? 

You may attend any of the following or all.

Virtual Encounter Details:

June 26, 2024 - Prayers, Insights, and Knowledge Sharing for Men via Zoom - Wednesday 07:00 PM  EST (1 Hour)

June 27, 2024 - Prayers, Insights, and Knowledge Sharing for Men via Zoom - Thursday 07:00 PM  (EST 1 Hour)

June 28, 2024 - Corporate Worship for Men - Friday, 9 PM EST - Incorporates with Livestream Night With the King Worship Encounters - Corporate Prophecy Room

Destiny of Men Encounters is led by Ebenezer Gabriels and he'll be sharing the framework for men to lead their destinies, families, communities, and nations. 

Ebenezer Gabriels is a Worshipper, Prophet, Architect, Engineer, Husband, Father, and Apostle of the Lord Jesus.

Register using the Zoom link, this is a free event.