The Russia Prophecy: The light that engulfs other lights


By Prophecy Team


December 2021, a few months before the Russia-Ukraine war broke up - Hear what God said



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Prophet Ebenezer Gabriels shares a prophetic vision concerning the nation of England, the throne of England, and Queen Elizabeth II. There's a covenant between the Lord and the throne of England. O England, Do not Mourn, Your sacrifice has been accepted. The Lord is about to do wonders on earth. There is redemption over England. The Lord says, "I have accepted your sacrifice". It is the land where the understanding of the word "honor" still makes meaning. The meaning of honor is still understood. Do not mourn England, your worship has been accepted. I will spread my wings upon you and I will raise kings after my own heart. I will raise kings after my own heart who will not depart because of the fleeting pleasures.