2024 Prophecies: The Year of the Double Swords


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team


A continuation of the prophetic events to unfold in these timelines. The Double Swords outlines the events to unfold in 2024 and captures a prophetic downpour from Jesus Christ Himself given to His Apostle, Ebenezer Gabriels, the Apostle of Worship, and the anointed and Teacher of nations, Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels to teach the nations.

Did you miss the previous year's prophetic landscape? Shop below for context


A continuation of the prophetic events to unfold in these timelines. The Double Swords outlines the events to unfold in 2024 and captures a prophetic downpour from Jesus Christ Himself given to His Apostle, Ebenezer Gabriels, the Apostle of Worship, and the anointed and Teacher of nations, Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels to teach the nations.

The Spiritual Year of the Double Swords is described as a year colored in blood, a year of confrontations, and a year where wickedness becomes more blatant. The Double Swords document prayer strategies to build a prayer altar. 

.Noah was one of the earliest chief economists, a prophet, and a worshiper. A preserver of nations. The entire world had just been restored and Noah’s obedience was an assurance to the Lord that he would rebuild the world’s economy just as the Lord commanded.

The 2023 Parallel Economy Noah book is a prophetic book that will inspire you to start building economies in 2023 and beyond, in alignment with God’s agenda. Packed with the information you need to navigate the times ahead, this prophetic book is part of Ebenezer Gabriels’ yearly prophetic release. The appendix contains a prophetic outlook for 2020-2030 to bring God’s guidance into your current season and years ahead.

The Noah Fast is a fast of nation-building. It is a fast for leadership and a fast to answer a high calling. No national leader, financial leader, or spiritual leader was called into a high place if there had not been a need for rebuilding or restoration. The NOAH Assignment is one that requires great faith, revelation patience, obedience, persistence, and of course the power of God and the utmost heart for worship. In the next 47 days, you will go on to encounter the Lord and your household for the Noah encounter. This is a prophetic journey where the Lord will give you the instructions of your destiny at this point in the decade.

This is a prophetic book based on the revelations of the incoming year 2023, giving divine information into the outlook of communities, businesses, kingdoms, governments, and people and how individuals' and families' destinies fit into all this. Since humans are not isolated, community, business, government, and other people’s experiences in the year will impact personal destinies, it is important you understand the instructions of the Lord on how to navigate the year successfully.

Timelines bear the agenda of God. Events, opportunities, milestones and blessings all live on timelines. Time is under the full authority of God. When the process of a time is about to reach completion, the doors of revelation into the next carriage in the train of time is burst open.

The prophetic insights into the 2022 landscape has been revealed. Heaven awaits the swift response of fierce worshippers, prophetic intercessors, and all who seek to escape the edge of the sword and obtain promises to call upon Sabaoth, the Lord Who SAVES, BLESSES, SHEPHERDS AND CARRIES.

The obedience of the saints will command heaven's attention to uproot the ticking time bombs of darkness in prominent places in 2022 and usher in the promises of the Lord of Glory. This is a prophetic devotional for 2022 you cannot miss.

God crowns the year with goodness but the enemy plans otherwise. God's children will receive His promises to be saved, blessed, shepherded and carried into His goodness in 2022, and beyond! Meet the God who Saves, Blesses, Shepherds and Carries is a Prophetic Devotional with prayers to walk in the authority found in God's Word and decrees for 2022

Like new days, new weeks, and new month, the new year is another, grand marker of time. There is always a contention with God’s plan for you in your timeline, This is why for every prophetic destiny preplanned into your timeline, the devil also looks for a way to distort. This year has been declared a year for God’s children to walk on their higher grounds. To win the prize of gaining higher grounds that are set ahead of you, you must be aware of the mysteries this year. This is why God has sent His revelation ahead so that His children are led by the Holy Spirit and also are ready to enter the year with spirit-led responses and prophetic acts. In this new year, God says His children “shall walk upon their high places” and also, it is a “dawn of wickedness”, hence God’s children must tread by the revelation power of God to get into those high places.